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Can Chiropractors Help with Migraine?

Happy Migraine awareness week! 

young man with headache

Migraine Awareness Week, held annually in September is a crucial time for raising awareness about the impact of migraines and the available treatment options. This event brings together healthcare professionals, migraine sufferers, and advocacy groups to share information, resources, and support. This is a great way for us practitioners to keep up to date with the most recent developments as migraines are a common problem people come to see us for. 

One of the key goals of Migraine Awareness Week is to highlight the importance of early diagnosis and the benefits of comprehensive treatment plans, which often include conservative care. Chiropractic care as a treatment option is often discussed during this week as a natural and non-invasive approach that can complement traditional treatments and offer relief to many sufferers. It is a great option to have alongside more traditional routes of care such as medication.

So what actually are migraines? They're a bit more than 'just headaches' and there are many sub-categories so everyone's experience may differ slightly from each other. 

Migraines can be a debilitating condition often causing intense throbbing pain, with or without nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound or different smells. They can significantly impact one's quality of life.

Migraines are a complex neurological condition with various triggers that differ between individuals but may include stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, and environmental factors. Traditional treatments often include over-the-counter painkillers, prescription medication, avoiding individual triggers and lifestyle changes. While many turn to medication for relief, an increasing number of sufferers are exploring other treatment options such as chiropractic to help ease symptoms and prevent episodes. Although chiropractic care may not always eliminate the need for medication, many patients find they need to take less medication when having chiropractic treatments.

Treatment often includes variety of techniques from adjustments to soft tissue work, as well as advice for self care. If your GP is not aware of your migraines yet, with your permission we can also share the information with them to ensure comprehensive approach.

a chiropractic neck adjustment

So, can Chiropractors help with migraine? Several studies support the effectiveness of chiropractic care for migraine relief. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy is an effective treatment for tension headaches andmigraines. Participants experienced significant improvements in headache frequency, duration, and intensity after undergoing chiropractic care. Another study in the European Journal of Neurology showed that spinal manipulation had a positive effect on the number ofmigrainedays, pain intensity, and the use of migraine medication.

If you do suffer from migraines or are not sure if your headaches are a type of a migraine, please let your chiropractor know and we will be able to assess you to provide the best care possible. 

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