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Muscle Cramps Treatment

Most of us at some point have experienced the sharp pain we recognise as cramp, whether it be during a match, a run or when blissfully unaware of everything while in the land of nod. That abrupt, unexpected, tightening of a muscle which renders us incapable of anything else until it has passed is something all of us want to avoid.


Leg cramps are common

A muscle cramp is a sudden involuntary contraction or tightening of a muscle that is often painful and can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Physiologically this happens when the muscle fibres get stuck in a contracted state and are unable to relax. This can be caused by a variety of factors including dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, overuse or prolonged static positions.


There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of suffering from cramp, these include: age, weight, over exertion, tight and inflexible muscles, muscle fatigue, extreme sweating, dehydration, poor physical condition and medical conditions such as diabetes, nerve and thyroid issues.


While we are unable to control the aging process or eradicate medical conditions there are ways to help prevent the onset of muscular cramp. These include:

-       Drinking plenty of water every day. More before, during and after sport/exercise.

-       Increasing your level of fitness. The fitter we are the more efficient the body.

-       Eating a balanced diet, including plenty of fruit and vegetables.

-       Completing an adequate warm up and cool down when you exercise or play sport.

-       Stretch particularly after exercise.

-       A regular massage to help reduce muscle tension a form of muscle cramps treatment.


Following a bout of cramp, it is possible to feel sore for up to three days. To alleviate this, a remedial massage would be recommended; initially this can help by allowing you to relax both physically and mentally, while also assisting with muscle fatigue thanks to the increased blood circulation and stimulation of the lymphatic system. This provides the muscles with oxygen and nutrients while aiding the removal of waste products, such as lactic acid, from the muscles.

massage can be an effective muscle cramps treatment

As a muscle cramps treatment, having a regular deep tissue massage can help reduce the build-up of muscle tension by stretching, loosening and relaxing the muscle which could prevent the occurrence of muscular cramp. With much more pressure applied, the deeper levels of muscle fibres are manipulated as well as the fascia and connective tissues that surround the muscles. Due to the nature of this massage, it can be uncomfortable at times, but if it is required, it will be worth it for the longer term benefits.


If you have any questions or think you would benefit from prevention advice or a regular massage, please feel free to contact the clinic and speak to one of our team.


N.B. If you are suffering from regular or severe cramping lasting longer than a few minutes it is advised that you consult your GP.


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